1. Find a statue, or image of Mary. If you have the kind that sits in your garden that is perfect! You will have an out-doorsy May Crowning!
2. If you are doing your crowning indoors, find a table to create a small altar. Use a tablecloth and candle if you have those handy.
3. Pull out or find 2 of your favorite Marian hymns (one for the opening and one for the closing)
4. Depending on the size of your statue or image, create a crown of flowers. Flowers can be real or artificial. You can use left over flowers to decorate the table or simply put them in a vase on the small altar you have created. If you have a small plastic or metal crown you can use that instead of a flower crown.
5. Gather your family... light the candle and sing or play a recording of one of your favorite Marian hymns. (Mine is Ave Maris Stella!)
6. While you are singing or listeing to the recording... proceed reverently to place the crown on the image or the statue of Mary. Others present may present one flower to Mary in turn.
7. After the hymn concludes, and everyone has honored Mary with a flower, pray a Rosary. (If you have small children, you can pray a decade)
8. After your Rosary, pray for your family's intentions. Place your family under the care of our Lady.
9. Pray the Stella Maris prayer for Families (optional)
10. Sing a closing hymn to Mary